By Claudia Loucks
Geneseo Current
Geneseo’s Richmond Hill Players has scheduled extra auditions as there is a need for five males for two shows scheduled this spring and summer.
The auditions are scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, and Sunday, March 3. Attendance is required at only one day’s audition.
The shows in need of actors:
“Laura” – a mystery that runs May 30-June 2 and June 6-9 – directed by John Donald O’Shea – rehearsals begin April 22 and there is a need for three males for the play.
-Mark McPhearson: The male lead, an honest, hard-working detective, 30-40 years old, and not afraid of a tough case.
-Shelby Carpenter: Laura’s parasitic fiancé, age close to Laura’s age (30’s), slight Southern accent, a charming, somewhat ineffectual man.
-Danny Dorgan: A Julliard student, in love with Laura, old enough to have a love-interest in Laura, not old enough for Laura to reciprocate.
“84 Charing Cross Road” – a comedy-drama that runs July 11-14 and July 18-21, directed by Jennifer Kingry – rehearsals begin early to mid June and there is a need for two males for the play.
-William Humphries: Mild-mannered employee in the London bookshop; age variable, 20’s to 40’s; has a good deal of onstage business without much dialogue; a few words here and there, and one short speech (a thank-you letter he has written). Speaks with an English accent.
-Thomas: A late arrival in the play, only onstage in the second act, plays a new-hire at the bookshop during the 1960’s (Beatles era, could be a teenager (upper teens). No scripted dialogue, but a few words may be improvised in rehearsals. Would like to cast someone wiling to help backstage. (Good opportunity for high school junior student looking for Richmond Hill Players experience to qualify for one of their scholarships in 2025).