Butch Patrick, who portrayed Eddie Munster in the popular Munsters TV Show, is coming to Geneseo on Saturday August 12! For one day only, Shoot the Loop is rebranding itself into “Spook The Loop”.
There will be a meet & greet opportunity with Butch, a Shoot the Loop event at the City Park, and Lynn Allen will perform at the Central Bank Pavilion in the evening, sponsored by Hanford Insurance Agency.
This is going to be a huge day in Geneseo. Save the date – Saturday August 12 in Geneseo, IL. Spook the Loop feat. Butch Patrick!
Spook the Loop is made possible thank to the efforts of Geneseo Shoot the Loop, the Geneseo Public Library District, and Sheilah Wigant-McGee Originals.
Check out these neat contests and classes related to “Spook the Loop!”